Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
I have only been composting a couple months but I LOVE it!!
I keep a stainless steel bowl in my freezer and put our scraps in there. And then every few days, I take it out to our compost pile. It’s nice because the freezer keeps it from smelling funky (I’m being pregnant..I’m not into funky smells. Haha!)
Love the pots that you did…will have to try it this spring! = )
Nice! The hubs has been wanting to do this for ages. And for as much as I love to garden, we really should do this! Thanks for the info, Amy!
We used to compost but I struggled with turning it over all the time. DH hubby would forget and I being the “weaker sex”- well, wouldn’t do it justice. I do like the idea of container composting and I think I’m going to give it a try. The chickens finish off a lot our vegtable and fruit scraps but there is still alot that seems to go into our trash that I wish wouldn’t.
As far as things that make my life simpler- well, having a good laundry routine is probably the biggest change I’ve made in my life. We have 5 kids and there was always a lot of laundry to be done-I never saw the bottom of the hamper. Then One weekend I spent the entire time doing laundry putting it away..and I’ve never gotten behind again. Several things I Do different.
#1 – I do laundry almost everyday- throw a load in, in the morning first thing.
#2 – always empty the washer and dryer promptly
#3- DON’t carry your laundry into the living room and fold sitting on the couch- piling it up to put away later – LOL – I did this alot and was always moving it later to find a place to sit. and what has made the biggest different is – I’ve gotten in a great habit of folding it as I take it out of the dryer- Each child has their own basket the laundry get sorted in directly from there and then THEY take it to their rooms and put it away at the end of EVERY day.
Not only do I stay up on laundry but we dont’ need as many clothes as when I heard “Mom, I’m out of underwear” and we went to the store to buy more, when they were really just buried under the mountain of dirty laundry!
Happy Washing.
Great post darling!! I can’t wait to go get a couple bins to start my own! 🙂
Amy, what a great post! I love this idea! I was reading thru in my email and planned to share on Twitter. Then I continued reading and saw my name!
Thanks so much for the shout out! I will still share 🙂
I get so many wonderful ideas from you which I am so grateful. I have gardened for 50 years but you can always learn something new or a betterr way to do things. I’ve commited to helping some young (and not so young) people in my neighborhood this spring. They want to learn and you simply things in a much easier way to teach. I am known as the flower lady in my neighborhood. (I don’t have a name.)lol My garden such as it is in the backyard so not always seen. With just me I don’t do a lot but stick tomatoes, cukes etc. in amongst my flowers. I do bigger gardens for my very busy daughters and families.
Pat, your sweet comment just made my morning! I bet your gardens are all absolutely stunning!