Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
What a beautiful, well-written post! I often find myself thinking the exact same things. Despite my best efforts, I am still hoarding momentos of their childhood but after reflecting I know that it is out of love. Beautiful pictures by the way! Thanks for sharing!
Jill @ Create.Craft.Love.
Aww, this post made me cry. I do the same thing. I keep everything and always have since I was little. I have a 4 month old now, so I know my need to hold on to things is just going to get worse.
So much of what you wrote resonates with me. I am a packrat too. But I think it has a lot to do with my mom passing away when I was only 8. I have a hard time letting go of “things”. And I have the mental block of – what if I need this one day, just as you did with the chocolate. So instead of enjoying whatever it is in the moment, I often end up wasting something holding on to it for a ‘special’ day. I have been trying to be better about it. It is hard to change old habits though! 🙂
Very sweet post! I find it hard to let go of things too but have deiced if I am going to keep them it has to be organized in a visually pleasing way.
Beautiful post Amy! Very sweet. I am also a packrat, but I usually do it out of fear of not having enough. If I get rid of those boxes, toys, clothes, random stuff I know I will need it eventually and maybe at that time I won’t be able to afford to buy new, more, different.
I think it’s sweet to save the baby teeth! 🙂
Wow! Thanks for the lightbulb moment for me today. That really hits a cord with me and my stack of my little boy’s preschool papers I know I need to get rid of but just can’t seem to do it…I’ll hold on to a few out of love and chunk the rest to let go of the fear. Here’s to a fabulous future! 🙂
awe – i was welling up reading this. i could have written this myself – totally! i am so sentimental, even when it comes to my children shedding their teeth. my 7 year old lost one of his top middle teeth this week too! it was hanging in there for a LONG time and, secretly, i hoped it would never come out. i love his tiny teeth and they remind me of the days when he was teething as an infant and how i cradled him all night when it was coming through the gum. he was my first so it was my first experience having a teething baby. ahhhh, motherhood is such a mix of emotions!
i am NOT trying to promote my blog in here at all, but i did want to share a tip about saving your children’s teeth in a precious way. i am all about keepsakes when it comes to my babies, and you sound much like me. i found this GREAT tooth fairy keepsake and immediately bought 3 for my children (7, 5 and 2) so when we lose a tooth i am always prepared. and their sweet little baby teeth are in a treasured place where i can visit them anytime i want!
check it out here!…
and your son’s face look absolutely precious with those missing teeth! 🙂
You are so sweet. And your little boy is BEYOND adorable! I’ve recently been called a hoarder {by my boyfriend whom I live with} I think I much prefer to be called a packrat…it just sounds better…(if that’s possible?) I feel like as crafters and things we are passionate about (our little ones included) you can’t help but hold on to those things! Keep collecting!
x0 Jess
Beautifully said.
Beautiful, beautiful post. And I can soooo relate. On many levels. 😉
My mom saved all my baby teeth. For 28 years. She gave them to me and I threw them away. But it was important to her. I’ll save my kids’ teeth, too, I’m sure.
Thanks for this post. My first born lost his first tooth tonight. I’m going to go cry now.