These luggage tags are easy and fun to make! Let me show you how…
One of the best things about this project is that you don’t need a ton of fabric…in fact, this is a great project to use up scraps!
Here’s what you’ll need: (enough for one luggage tag)
- A 4″x6″ rectangle of Ultra Firm Stabilizer (I used Peltex 72F)
- Two 4.5″x7″ rectangles in coordinating/matching cotton print fabrics
- A 10″x8″ scrap of heavyweight fusible interfacing
- A 2.5″x4.25″ cut of 20 gauge clear vinyl
- A 10″x1.5″ rectangle of matching fabric
Fuse fabric. Next, using an iron and a press cloth, fuse the heavyweight fusible interfacing to the WRONG sides of both fabric rectangles.
Attach vinyl to front. To place the vinyl rectangle onto the front of the luggage tag, place the FRONT luggage tag RIGHT side up on your work surface. Using a ruler, measure down 1/4″ from the middle corners and 1″ in from each side.
- a. Place your fabric RIGHT side up on an ironing board
- b. Iron the strip (lengthwise) in half with RIGHT sides together (I find ironing easier than pinning a small strip like this!)
- c. Using a 1/4″ seem allowance, sew the strip shut
- d. Attach a large safety pin to one end of the strap
- e. Feed the safety pin through the fabric tube to pull it right-side-out
- f. Iron the strip flat with the seam running down the middle of the strip.
Baste in strap. Using a sewing machine, baste the strap in place with a 1/4″ seam allowance.
Pin front and back together. Take the luggage tag front (with the vinyl and strap attached), and place it RIGHT side down onto the RIGHT side of the other fabric rectangle. Pin in place.
Sew luggage tag together.
- a. Starting in the bottom lefthand corner, sew up and over the luggage tag, pivoting at each corner and stopping at the righthand corner.
- b. Be sure to leave the bottom edge open.
- c. With a scissors, CAREFULLY trim away the excess fabric and interfacing in order to decrease bulk once it’s flipped right-side-out. Take caution not to snip your corners too closely.
Press the bottom seam. Before flipping it right-side-out, press open the bottom seam (wrong sides together) with an iron. This will help you have a crisp, clean bottom edge once it’s flipped.
Cut out ultra firm stabilizer. To make the luggage tag extra firm (and less bendable), we’re going to add some ultra firm stabilizer to the inside of the tag (I used Peltex 72F). If you are comfortable with the stiffness provided by the heavyweight interfacing, you can skip this step!
- a. Cut out the stabilizer pattern from the download (Note – you should be using the smaller of the two tag patterns)
- b. Using a disappearing fabric pen, trace the tag onto the Peltex
- c. Cut out the tag shape from the Peltex (Note – this stuff can dull your scissors, so don’t use your best ones!)
Fold fabric over Peltex insert. To make it easier to sew the final seam together, fold the backside seam allowance (in the picture below, the grey polka dot) over the end of the Peltex insert.
Sew final seam. Bring the bottom seams together, and hand sew using a needle and thread. Finally, using a press cloth to protect the vinyl, iron the entire tag flat (not pictured).
- a. With the tag facing you in front of the basket, take the strap up and over the top
- b. Pull the strap through the handle of the basket
- c. Put the bottom of the tag through the strap opening
- d. Pull the tag down to cinch the strap tight.
Now…load up your basket with all the right items…
Thanks again to the lovely Amy for having me stop by today! If you haven’t come on over to say hi to me at The Homes I Have Made yet, I’d love it if you did! And here’s some other ways for you to follow me in my crafting adventures:

Megan is an exercise and nutrition professional turned stay-at-home mom and DIY blogger with the arrival of her baby boy in April of 2011. Married to a U.S. Marine, she is currently setting up her 5th home in 8 years! You can follow Megan’s decorating and crafting adventures over at The Homes I Have Made (and here on Pinterest and Facebook) and find lots of ideas, tips, and tricks for making any temporary space a cute, cozy and comfortable home!
Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
These are adorable!!! Gets me in the mood for organizing..too bad I’m at work and not at home! 🙁 But thanks for the great idea and labels!!!
Gorgeous idea!! They look so sweet and I love the use for them you came up with =)
I’ve been looking at tutorials to make luggage tags for teacher gifts. Yours, by far, has the clearest instructions and pictures! Thank you!! Now if I can finish the dozen other projects so I can start these… Have a great day!
Thanks so much, Kim!