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Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
Great tips Amy! I can’t wait to try board and batten once we move into our new home!
Your wall looks amazing Amy! Thank you for the nicely detailed tutorial. One of the great things about board and batten is that it is so versatile and can be customized for each application. How great is that!
This looks fantastic! Thanks for all the wonderful tips! I’m about to try this going down the stairs.
very stylish!!!!!!!
This is an awesome tutorial Amy! I will be using it when we do Rachel’s room. 🙂
Thanks for the great tutorial! One question: Is your wall smooth or does it have texture? Mine has texture and I am a little concerned that it will look funny if I use this method. Thanks!
love it!
Can I ask, around how much did it cost to complete?! Ive been looking to do this for a while but havent gotten up to the planning yet… would love to complete this soon as we’re putting in hardwood soon as well!
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Dear Amy,
I really love your paint colors. Where did you buy your paint?? Do you give your paint colors out? I also love the rug. It is so me. I love bright colors. Where did you find that??
Thank you. Lyndi
Hi, Lyndi! The paint color is from Benjamin Moore and it is called Paradiso. It is such a nice, soothing blue! I bought the rug at Target a couple of years ago.