In case you don’t follow over on Facebook, guess what my family and I have been up to this week? Hint: it involves a cute little mouse and the happiest place on earth! We’re just about to wrap up a week-long trip to Disney World, and it has been so much fun!

Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
Really cute! I’m going to add this as a link at the bottom of my big Disney craft round up post I did a few weeks ago 🙂