Comments on: Cornbread Dressing Recipe Handcrafted. Splendidly. Tue, 07 Jun 2022 20:52:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Betsy C Mon, 10 Nov 2014 02:10:53 +0000 I can’t wait to try this recipe this year, I might even have to give it a trial run! 😉 My husband grew up in Pennsylvania, where bread based stuffing reigns supreme. I grew up in Arizona where cornbread stuffing is the only kind of stuffing. For 15 years we’ve gone back and forth and I usually end up making a small batch of corn bread stuffing to satisfy that family tradition of mine, but this seems like it could be the perfect marriage of both Thanksgiving traditions. I’ve never made corn bread without flour in it, but I will give it a try. Have you ever made this with homemade biscuits? I’m going to try it with my favorite homemade recipe. Thank you for this recipe!
