Comments on: A Treasure Trove of Memories Handcrafted. Splendidly. Mon, 22 Oct 2012 18:24:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ruby Jean Fri, 16 Dec 2011 22:10:38 +0000 What a VERY precious Post.. It is always so Fun to look back and see the Dress and Style but it’s Really the Best when you know the History behind the Picture… 🙂 I came over Via Nest Of Posies and just became your Newest Follower.. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!!!

By: catie Fri, 16 Dec 2011 21:55:55 +0000 i love this post! i have an entire folder on my computer from our wedding last year, we hung strings of photos up for each family. i LOVE looking through all of them!

By: paula Fri, 16 Dec 2011 16:25:11 +0000 Thanks for sharing. I love old photos. I always wonder if our kids will look at our photos in 60 years and think we looked cool and stylish “for our time”. I know I do when I look at old pics of my Grammy 🙂

A favorite old pic I found of my Mom’s…..a picture of my Dad’s back, walking towards a plane on a tarmac. He’s in military dress and getting ready to board the plane to go to Vietnam. I cried when I found the picture….I can only imagine the thoughts and emotions that must have been going thru my Mom’s mind as she snapped that picture.

By: Shelly @A Creative Space Fri, 16 Dec 2011 16:10:42 +0000 Wow, fabulous family memories! What a brave 17 yr old! Although “brave” probably didn’t enter her mind… more like, “this is awesome!” Thanks for sharing your fabulous photos. 🙂
