Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Now I am a teary mess 🙂
Oh, Amy, this is so touching! And truly brought back a flood of memories of visiting my own grandparents when I was little.
Amy, Thank you for sharing such a wonderful part of your family. It is obvious how much love and respect you have for your grandparents and their marriage. I will certainly have to make the spicy bars for the weekend. They sound just delicious.
What a beautiful tribute to your Grandparents, Amy. I think Grandparents are amazing, and have a set that I love like my own parents. Your post reminded me of staying with them and waking up to the smell of bacon, and Grandma whistling every Hymn she knew.
Seriously, this little feature is one of my favorites. I love to read your stories. And also to realize how much food plays such an important role in my life. And why I shouldn’t pig out on it…..but kind of why I do. 🙂
So great. (and the photos are beautiful!)
Awwwww!!!! Tear! This reminded me of the love my grandparents shared and when my grandfather passed. Amazing Amy, the way you pull your reader in and keep them wanting more. You should publish this series. I am am writing teacher, I should know! Haha!! Can’t wait to read the next one.
oh i cant see the keyboard for my blurry teary eyes. you have sent me off down memory lane, with my grandparents, a lane i tend to visit often as i too loved to be with them and they too were childhood sweethearts.i pray they are together in heaven, thanks for sharing.
becky bpbajona(at)maltanet(dot)net
What a beautiful love story. What a legacy you have. Thank you for sharing this with us, Amy. Bittersweet joy and reminders of love like this makes us all better…
What a perfect tribute to Mammo and Pop. It’s so beautifully written…I don’t mind admitting that I had got square mouthed (cried) after reading it, but in a good, nostalgic way. I can almost smell the coffee and spicy bars and hear the creak of the porch swing and one of Pop’s silly songs that always made us giggle. Good grief, it seems like it was a million years ago and yesterday all at the same time. I can’t wait to see you guys…only 9sleeps to go!
*tears*. Enjoying these posts immensely.