Hello, everyone! I am so glad you stopped by today, because I have got a very fun giveaway in store!
With the holidays upon us, I always like to take this time of year as an opportunity to reflect on the year and all I’m thankful for. Did you know that when I make that list, all of you–my lovely readers–appear on that list?
I cannot thank you enough for being a part of this blog. Thanks for reading. For commenting. For showing your support. Over the course of the past 2 1/2 years, Positively Splendid has grown into something I take great pride in, and I hope you all know how much I honestly, genuinely appreciate you for making this possible.
So, today, I am going to show my thanks by treating you to a giveaway of some of my favorite things! The lucky winner will receive all of the items below delivered straight to his/her doorstep. These items are some of my creative go-to’s, and you have seen many of them in projects I’ve shared in the past here at PS!
Butterfly pins, because accessorizing is always fun, even when it comes to sewing.
One of my portable first-aid kits, because function can be pretty, too! And those yummy Ferrro Rochers peering out from behind there can remedy many ailments, too. 😉
Some pretty baubles from Styled by Tori Spelling to add glamour to your holiday wardrobe…
A stencil, paint, brushes and bottle tips from the Martha Stewart line from Plaid…
Nothing says Christmas like glitter paints in festive red and green!
A set of faux bois thank you notes, to go along with my current love of all things wood grain…
…and a ONE-YEAR subscription to one of my go-to sources for creative inspiration, Do It Yourself magazine!
 This giveaway will be conducted via Rafflecopter. Please note that the widget might take a moment to appear below, and if you are enjoying this post in a reader or via email subscription, you will need to visit the blog in order to get entered.
And guess what? The fun doesn’t stop here! Also be sure to visit my friends who are also hosting Favorite Things giveaways of their own today! You’ll be excited to see what each of these ladies has in her gift basket for you. 🙂

Good luck, everyone!
P.S. I’ve got another fun giveaway your kiddos are sure to love coming up later this afternoon, so stay tuned!
Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
I’d love an Origami Owl locket, a new mixer, a gift certificate for a manicure and a little more time with my family 🙂
where does one get an origami owl locket? sounds cool!
What a great giveaway! Just in time for some last minute gift making!
The top of my list…is some crafting supplies!
Oh, I LOVE this giveaway! So much fun to receive things that you truly love!
My top holiday wish is for my boys to have a wonderful, merry Christmas. It’s all about getting to see the excitement and joy in them!
Thanks for the give-a-way!!
A new coat!
I would love anything Vera Bradley!
I would love to have the one-year subscription 🙂
I’m hoping that my husband remembers I asked for Chanel Mademoiselle.
A sewing machine is at the top of my Christmas list since I broke my little inexpensive one!
I’m wishing for a speedlite flash for my camera.
Not sure what’s at the top of my list! With a new baby in the house after YEARS of waiting for her that’s enough Christmas for me!
the top of my list is that our kids get all they want this year 🙂
I’d love a Kitchen Aid mixer for Chritmas!
I am working on my Christmas movie collection and this year I am asking for White Christmas.
I want a new blue purse.
A camera, I am pregnant and can’t wait to take good pics 🙂
I would love a Nook tablet or Nook HD.
hmm, my dream iteam would be an iphone, but I think it’s a little out of the budget this year… probably some new cricut cartridges 🙂
Wow. Awesome givaway! I have asked Santa for a new lens for my camera.
At the top of my Christmas list is a new camera. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
FAMILY. Its the only thing on my list this year.
After a long year, my wish is simple… some down time with my family, to spend however we choose.
I would love to see a new iphone under our tree this year!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I want a pair of TOMS and of course looking forward to family in town for the holidays.
What a great giveaway. Lots of fun things.
I’d love to win!!! Wonderful giveaway!
I would so love a miter saw for Christmas so I can stop borrowing my dads all the time.
Oops. Missed a letter in my e-mail. Should be ksabers not kabers.
Love this giveaway 🙂
Great giveaway! I would love a new camera lens under my tree! An 85mm or a 35mm… drool! 🙂
This is such a great giveaway! I love craft stuff!!
I’d love a mini iPad.
Besides world peace, I’m hoping for a Silhouette Cameo!
The top of my list – a gift card to the local fabric store!
For Christmas I would love my son to give me the gift of a car wash!! There is just something to be said for a clean car.:)
A pair of sneakers is at the top of my list. My current pair is starting to fall apart
On the top of my list would be a visit from our children who are in a different state and not so close by. Some new clothes would be nice and always books.
I really am hoping that Santa brings me a pair of TOMS – it would be my first.
I don’t really have much a list this year…I just want to make sure my Girls have a magical and wonderful day!
The thing I would like most this Christmas is to be able to spend time with family. I live away from my family, so it would be nice to spend more time with them.
I’ve asked santa for a car this year! =)
This would be lovely for the holidays!
I ask for the same thing every year – time with each member of my family.
Don’t really have a list but it would sooo be this elliptical I saw 😀
I have my eye on a nice pair of silver hoop earings.
A nook or kindle tops my list!
The top of my wish list is a Silhouette Cameo!
This will be the first Christmas we celebrate since my dad passed away. So I just want family to be happily gathered together.
I would love a Silhouette Portrait! Awesome giveaway.. Thanks!
What a GREAT giveaway! I would LOVE to win!! Thanks!!
Such a cool giveaway!
I would love a bracelet set I have seen on Mindy Maes Market and a nie vintage globe> and of course, more time with my family!
I would love for my daughter to get to experience the true meaning of Christmas and that is the joy of giving to others.
At the top of my wish list is a new Cannon Rebel so I can start taking wonderful pictures of my wild 2 year old!
I need something big to keep me organized!!! Reusable store bags are not cutting it anymore, LOL…!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to have a stainless steel roasting pan, and health and prosperity for all.
I love your giveaway and its so thoughtful! Thanks !
This would be a perfect way to kick off my new craft area!! 🙂
Looking forward to getting it! 🙂
Thank you for the chance to win!
I would love to win!! Alot of your favorite things, are also mine!
The top of my list is a Silhouette Cameo!
My Christmas wish this year is for my sweet husband to receive a new kidney. 5 years of dialysis is straining.
A camera is on the top of my holiday wish list this year!
My wish is to spend lots of quality time with my family. 🙂
The top of my list would be for safety for all of our family as they travel for Christmas.
The top of my Christmas list has a 50mm camera lens. So excited!
Love your Giveaway!
My top wish list is more time with my family. Thanks for the chance to win!
On the top of my list is a Kindle fire.
What a great giveaway!! Thanks!
On the top of my Christmas list is a new Bunn coffee maker! I am so tired of the cheap ones that crash out within a year!
A Silhouette CAMEO tops my list!
I’m asking for a safe for Christmas to hold all of our important documents as well as CDs with pictures and home movies on them. Kind of weird, I know, but the older I get the more I just want to make sure my family is taken care of and that all of the important things are safe in case of an emergency.
I want a tablet I’m not picky on what kind.
The item at the top of my list is family and 27 of them will be at our house on the 23rd. Merry Christmas and thank you for a chance to win your giveaway
On the top of my Christmas list: Nothing–I keep BUYING everything on my Christmas list for myself! Every time I shop for others, I keep thinking, “Oh, that’s nice–I think I’ll get one for myself!”
Top of my wish list is peace on earth!
A Silhouette and world peace, of course.
New Boots!!!
My biggest wish this year is that everyone in my family will be healthy and happy for Christmas!
At the top of my Christmas wish list is to see my Granddaughter!
A new camera is at the top of my Christmas list this year since my old one just broke.
neeeeed an ipad 🙂
What a great giveaway!!! **Fingers crossed*** 🙂
I LOVE shoes and boots, so wouldn’t mind finding a new pair under my tree this year. Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh- a new camera lens…but I would totally take healthy happy kids too.
My very biggest wish is that all our boys would be home for the holidays this year. But, next would be a new stove. I hate the one I have because the darned thing won’t hold the temperature and it’s totally frustrating for someone who loves to bake to deal with things coming out of my oven looking like a teenager was baking her first batch of cookies – either they aren’t done or they’re burnt. Grrr.
Canon DSLR camera. Been wishing for years for one……
I would love a Ranger Craft Mat, an Ott light and gift cards to the craft stores in my area!
A silhouette cameo!!!!
an ipad! or a new lens
I would love to get an IPad 🙂 Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! I love everything that are giving away!!
I would LOVE an Ipad and a JoTotes bag!!! I hope Santa is listening!
Top of my list is CALMness.
I really want a milk frother!
I’m hoping to get a sewing machine so I can learn to sew in 2013!
Butterfly pins….reminds me of when I get my blood drawn :o(
What a great giveaway….all I want for Christmas is a pair of shoes that makes the pain in my feet to go away :o)
A Silhouette Cameo! I can’t wait to make some of the projects I keep seeing on your blog when/if I get it!
Great giveaway…Thank you.
AMAZING GIVEAWAY!! <3 <3 <3 I am asking Santa for an Infinity Necklace from Helzberg but just in case I get disappointed?? This would make up for it fo' SURE!
I am hoping for all my family to have peace because it’s the first Christmas without my sister who died from cancer this year.
Some Cricut carts are at the top of my list or the design studio, that would be fun. Time is up there too, but I think everyone would like some extra time to do whatever they want. Thank you for the giveaway.
What fun toys! Thanks for having such an awesome giveaway.
Thank you for the giveaway…this year on my mind-wishlist there is the new Kindle Fire….but i i would appreciate every kind of gift given to me with real love!!!ciao from Italy and Merry Christmas to all of your family!!
The one that tops my list this year is craft items! My two little ones LOVE to make Christmas decor crafts and sometimes even the hubs enjoys it. A wonderful way to create beautiful memories.
The only thing I want for Christmas is the time off I’ll get from work. I have projects galore I’d love to try – and I’d love the time to really dive into those! 🙂
I would love new kitchen countertops!
A gift card for Hobby Lobby!
Hmmmm – that’s tough. I think if my sewing machine doesn’t get fixed this week – that’s moving to the top of the list!! 🙂
My wish – my family together, though that’s not possible for this year.
I really want a Keurig….or maybe some diamond jewelry! 🙂
Top of my list would be some food treats from Canada – Kraft Dinner, grape flavoured gum, Coffee Crisp chocolate bar, Cheeze Whiz, red licorice and some grape Mike & Ike’s. These are luxuries for me as I can;t get them here (UK). 🙂
The top of my list is time with family. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway.
An ipad
Jewelry is at the top of my holiday wish list this year!
New pj’s…mine are feeling drab and I hate when they are not as soft as when you bought them
Looks like some fun favorites. Thanks for the giveaway.
I replied before I read the prompt. The top of my wish list is what I am getting…a trip to Normandy and Paris, France for Christmas and New Year’s.
Time with family….and friends…..for crafting!
The top of my list is lots of time spent with my son who I haven’t seen 7 mths due to him being in the army!
Love every single one of your favorite things! Thanks so much for sharing!
Lots of cardigans/shirts and hair accessories
A camera that works!
This year I would love to have an iPad so I can FaceTime with my granddaughter. Great giveaway!!!
I’m due the week of Christmas….so I’m asking Santa for an easy labor and healthy baby… 🙂
I’m hoping for some new fabric bundles to sew with!
New flatware.
I really would like a new stand mixer for Christmas this year
I would really love to go buy a few new things to update my wardrobe. The baby weight is finally gone, but still nothing fits:/
What a great giveaway!
Great giveaway! I love straight pins! I have a bit of a collection of unique pins but I don’t have butterflies. I want butterflies! 🙂
A surger is at the top of my Santa list this year!
How generous and amazing, I love it all!! Hope I win!!
At the top of mine are some children’s reading book to start a library in my first kindergarten classroom!
The top of my list is a new car, bumming rides is the worst. Next would be a gift card to Michaels or A.C. Moore for craft supplies. You giveaway looks like days of fun to me.
A DVD player. =)
I would love a Cameo this year!!But your giftpack would be awesome
I love your favorites. Number 1 would be a job for my husband and number 2 a Keurig coffee brewer.
I love giving gifts of things I have and love {or would love to have}, so this giveaway is perfect! At the top of my list this year would be a stand mixer and a new vacuum. You know, boring adult things 🙂
Well, I’m kind of pathetic and don’t really have a wishlist this year! Crazy I know. We’re getting new countertops soon that we have wanted for quite awhile… so that’s kind of our Christmas gift.
Pots and pans!
I’d like a DSLR camera but I need a new cellphone so that’s what I’ll probably end up getting!
I love the Martha Stewart collection paint supplies. thank you for this opportunity
My top thing would be to have a happy holiday.
hI: lovely giveaway ….. my top thing is: anything !!!!!!!! …….. I am like a child: it is funny to get things (but as a grown woman I have to give too, which is funny !!!!). Thanks.
Silhouette Cameo accessories are at the top of my holiday wish list! There are so many things I want to try that they have in their store!
I asked for the iPad!
I am wishing for all my mini DVD’s to be transferred to DVD since my video camera stopped working.
Too late for me to make a list–my husband just got us the Dutch oven that would have been at the top of the list! 🙂
I honestly just want to feel good that day and to have energy so that I can enjoy my family being together. 🙂
A Joanns gift card and this beautiful sterling silver rose ring.
Such a great giveaway! The top of my list is always a book!
This would be an awesome beginning to the Christmas season. Thx!
My top two need/wants are a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer and a Silhouette Cameo. They’d both make my life SO much easier!
Thanks for the giveaway. I love that magazine subscription!
Looks awesome!
A new sewing machine!!
The top of my list… a repaired computer!
well, your gift pack would be lovely for starters 🙂
Looking forward to family time as a wonderful gift…
I am hoping for a new computer 🙂
Also…Ferraro Rocher’s are also one of my favorite things!! good choice 🙂
family74014 at gmail dot com
I really want a Keurig.
On my list is a roomba vacuum and anything for scrapbooking
more fabric!
pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
I would love a new sewing machine!
The top of my list is to get pregnant 🙂
I’m getting my “top” wish: all of my sons will be spending Christmas w/ us! Thanks for your great blog!
I am looking forward to getting my first sewing machine this Christmas!
At the tip top of my wishlist is an iPad. But I really would like some new flat boots!
OMG! I love all that stuff. Awesome giveaway, thanks for the chance to win…
I would love a laptop!!
This is an AWESOME giveaway! I’m really hoping for a new vacuum this year 🙂
Thank you so much for yet again another wonderful giveway.
I wanted a Kindle Fire for my husband (he steals mine ALL the time) and he’s getting one! So for me….maybe a box full of vintage lace for crafting? As long as we’re dreaming you know! 😉
Well it was some new stamps for jewelry, but this giveaway box just moved to the top!!
I already commented, but I’m not sure what happened! I would love new stamps for making jewelry!
Holiday wish list? I’ve had a hard time coming up with ideas this year!
Comment #1 rejected… Trying again!
I would love a kuerig one cup coffee maker for Christmas! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Take care,
Thanks for the great giveaway! Ferrero Rocher are yummy. They would be a nice snack while creating gifts! I suppose the better idea would be to give the chocolates as gifts! 😉
I would love a Cameo under my Christmas tree this year.
an iphone!
The Smitten Kitchen cookbook is at the top of my list. Also, a weekend away with my husband.
Wow! This is awesome! I really want a new Chi flat iron since mine died! 🙂
A aqua Kitchen Aid mixer with all the fixins!
I LOVE the Tori Spelling line. Tre Chic!
I want to win all these wonderful items
#1 Spending quality time with my family members. #2 Getting all the decorations up before this weekend is over (12/9).
I would relish my diamond that fell out of my engagement ring remounted so I can wear it again.
I would love a new sewing machine
Top of my wish list this year is to have peace and harmony in all my family relationships!
I really have thought about it. Maybe a gift card to my favorite yarn store.
I just want more time at home with my family.
I would really like a Silhouette machine.
What a sweet giveaway Amy! I love your posts – they are always fun and inspirational! Thanks for the chance to win these goodies – I would love to have one of your portable first-aid kits!
I really want a new bath pillow (one that is actually comfortable and doesn’t get yucky after a few weeks)! That is not very exciting, but the bathroom is the only place my darling band of boys (2 sons and another on the way) will leave me alone for a few minutes of peace and quiet!
I just want everyone to arrive safely for the holidays!!
OMG this would be terrific to win…thanks for an opportunity to win some of my favorite things too!!
This year we have had a lot of health issues in our family and so my wish is that we all stay healthy. More than anything that is what I pray for!
I am hopeful for an ipad…but it isn’t gonna happen…not in the budget.
I want want want! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a great bunch of goodies.
The thing at the top of my list is for this to be a memorable Christmas for my family. I’m facing transplant surgery in Jan. I want this to be a unforgettable season, not all about gifts but about family.
I really don’t have anything on my list this year. Hmmm. But I would love if it would snow already!
This year I want a sewing machine!
I would love a Silhouette for Christmas this year!
I am looking for a Fabric Stash & maybe a new sewing machine! Wish me luck & Thanks for the Wonderful giveaway!!
I’m wishing for a little extra time to finish up my new craft room so I can actually enjoying crafting again! 🙂
what a great giveaway! I’d love to win this!!
My daughter sent me here, what a great giveaway!
My daughter sent me here, what a great giveaway! Top of my list?? A shiny red corvette of course!
The top of my Christmas list is a laptop lap desk. I love to work on my laptop (blogging, pinterest, work, etc.) while I am comfy on the couch. However, being on my lap or a blanket is not so great for my computer. A lap desk would solve that. Another thing I discovered after I made my list but I would love it is the Mini Cricut, Costco has it for a deal and it looks so awesome!
I would love to have my husband home instead of stuck at work for Christmas
I’m looking forward to spending time with my amazing boyfriend <3
Top of my Christmas list this year would be to just relax and enjoy my family. I have been blessed with EVERYTHING I need so just to take time to enjoy the season is on the top of my list.
A Kreg jigg!
I know this is simple, but I really want a Stanely 25′ measuring tape. It’s so useful and I’ve never gotten around to buying one.
Oh thats east jewelry making supplies I never seem to have enough!!
At the top of my list this year, (right next to world peace, of course!) is a Silhouette.
Computer part upgrades and art supplies, of course!
At the very top…. a Long Arm Quilting machine and table
I’d love for my family to all get along this holiday season! A lot to ask, I know, but a girl can dream, right??
Martha, Martha, Martha!!!
I’d love a new wallet this Christmas. Crafting supplies is the second item on my list.
Patience. Time. Wisdom.
I was directed to your blog by The Scrape Shoppe and love it. I immediately pinned your Christmas Angel tutorial. Have fabulous holiday season, and thank you for the great giveaway opportunity.
I just want all four of my boys to be healthy on Christmas – seems like one of them gets sick every year.
maybe “Crock On” by stacy at Stacy Makes Cents.
What a great giveaway!! hmmm chocolate!
A pair of red jeans and a cardigan!
Thank you for the opportunity, the faux bois cards are adorable!
I’d love a food processor and some leather riding boots!
A Silhouette Cameo. Top of my list. 🙂 What an awesome giveaway!!
I actually want something to be able to do gel nails manicures at home. haha. so frivolous!
I’d love a plane ticket home 🙂
Or just a new purse…
A silhouette cameo tops my list!
being with my family even though it will be after xmas!
AT the top of my Christmas list this year is for everyone to be happy and not so stressed.
In 2000 I was wishing for a new kidney. I had never wanted anything that big before, and I knew if I got it I’d really never care if I ever got a holiday gift again. In 2001 I got ‘our’ kidney (thanks to my husband), and you know — anything I now is gravy. I just hope everyone else gets what they want — I’m all set.
I would love to get a Big Shot die cutting and embossing machine!!! I like all the things in your giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Supplies for my Silhouette Cameo!
A Silhouette Portait! Of course!
I REALLY want a kitchen aid mixer!
A sewing machine! Mine is broken and would cost more to fix then I paid for it.
I’m getting new kitchen counters for Christmas and believe me that was on the top of my wish list…lol…
Well I kind of would like a new ipod, but it’s a rough year for much of my family this year. So as long as everyone is secure and healthy and happy I’m fine with that.
I think at the top of my list is a new I-Pad. I’ve been really good this year.
I’m a 30 something year old woman who wants a Nintendo 3DS XL and the new Pokemon game for Christmas and I’m not embarrassed to admit it! Well, maybe just a little … Some craft supplies wouldn’t go astray either!
Maybe a sewing machine.
Thank you for the giveaway.
I’m wanting a healthy grandchild… we’re waiting and expecting delivery sometime around the end of December! A perfect little Christmas gift!! Be especially blessed, Kathy
The top of my gift list this year is a Silhouette Portrait!!
A Silhouette Machine is at the top of my list this year!!
I would love to have a Apple comupter to domore with my blog and photos.
Well I’ve already gotten the #1 thing on my list, my daughter is home from college. She lives over 1200 miles away and she came home last night!! 🙂
What if you’ve already gotten was #1? My daughter is home from college. She lives over 1200 miles away and she came home last night!! 🙂
I’d love a duvet for my bed and some more silverware. 🙂
The top of my list is good health for me and my family 🙂
A real camera!
I’d love a tripod!
I was wanting a few new pairs of shoes
Hm… I would love a new silver bracelet.
New sunglasses on are on the top of my list!
I’d love a new pair of Toms and a cordless hot glue gun!
I wanted a pair of Steve Madden boots and got them early! 😉
The top of my wish list at the time being is a new yoga mat and block. I really need this badly!
My number one wish this year is a trip home to visit my family!
and whats not to love about glitter, and bows, and Martha Stewart 🙂
I’m hoping to find a house to buy! We’ve been searching for months, and it would be so nice to finally find one we like!
A new camera…my Canon Powershot is really outdated and needs to be replaced!
i would love to be able to be with my hubs, family this year but we just can’t afford the trip. so, instead, i am hoping for a kitchenaid mixer. i am ashamed to say, i have never owned one. gasp!