Today marks the first day of the What Will it Bee? Party here at Positively Splendid! Why a bee party, you might ask? Well, I am due to deliver our fourth baby any day now, and right now everything pertaining to the baby’s arrival – even his or her sex, which we chose to leave a surprise this time – is a mystery! I am truly giddy that the big day is finally near, and I want to include all of you in my excitement!
Starting today, I’ll be sharing a new giveaway for each of the next four days where you’ll have the opportunity to win a number of fabulous bee-themed prizes just by entering your guesses as to the details about the birth.
There are some gorgeous items up for grabs, so you won’t want to miss a single day!!
So – let’s get right down to business. Check out the prizes up for grabs for this round of guesses!
Prize #1
This gorgeous set of hand-crafted bowls is perfect for a spot of tea, but these little vessels would also be ideal for holding anything from buttons and thread bobbins to small office supplies like paper clips and the like. You really ought to head over to Faith’s shop to check out the coordinating Blue Bee Tea Pot, as well!
Prize #2
Sweet as honey, this darling little necklace will be the perfect accessory for your fall wardrobe. Don’t miss the intricate detail on the charm, which is equally cute from either side!
Today’s Question:
What date will the baby choose to make his/her grand entrance?

Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
I think you will have the little one a couple days early on September 28.
I’m really sorry to say this but I’m guessing october 4th (based on the fact that 3 of my friends and myself were 2 days over our due dates this past year!)
I’m going to guess September 30.
I’m going to go with September 24th
I love everything bee-related, how exciting! My guess is September 28th
I love the bee theme! My guess for baby #4 is September 29.
I am gonna quess the date of October 5,I think you will go later 🙂 not much later but a few days later…
Cute bees! I am going to guess October 1.
My fourth child was a week early so I will guess Sept 25th.
September 28th. That is my mom’s b-day.
I’ll go with Sept. 29th:)
Just for fun I’ll say my birthday, the 19th, 2 weeks early, but hey, it’s your fourth! Good luck! I’m just 8 days behind you, so we’ll see who pops first!
I bet little “bee” will arrive on September 27th 🙂
I’m going to say September 26th! Good luck, whenever the big day comes! 🙂
I am also due on October 2nd & I’m hoping for September 26th, so I’ll say September 26th for you as well 😀
P.S. Doctor says it could be any day now though. As of Thursday I was already fully effaced and dilated to 3!!!
October 3rd is my guess!
I’m gonna vote for Oct 5th. It is my daughter’s birthday, and also the most common birthday of the year.
I love bees! I collect bee things and honey pots:)
Two of my kids have October birthdays (Oct. 10 & 11) and I was always “late” so I’ll say October 10~sorry:) BEST WISHES!
How bout… November 29th.
I say Sept 26th :D!!!
I’m going to say September 21st. It’s the best day in the month. (My birthday)
September 27th!
I am guessing October 1st.
I really sorry but I think you will go late, Oct 10th.
ooh! You’re getting close! 🙂 I’ll pick 9/22 – my dd’s bday!
daydreambelievershop {at} gmail {dot] com
I will guess September 22. I was 10 days early, and it’s my anniversary!!!
Sept 28th is popping into my head so that is my guess!
I say Sept 24th!
Hi! My date is September 25!
October 5th
September 26th!
Can’t wait to find out when and who is delivered
Hmm, I’m guessing your fourth will come early so I’ll say Sept 27th which was my first son’s due date!
I guess September 30th!
Sept 21st is my guess. I hope you have a safe and wonderful delivery.
September 27th! Two weeks after my birthday *which is today!
Sept 29th.
The date to “bee” is September 27th! That would “bee” the sweetest “bee” of all. You will “bee” happy to have the precious one “bee” here a tad early. Enjoy and God Bless as you “bee…come” a larger family.
October 5th – what a fun party and contest 🙂
Rats, I was going to sat Sept. 28, my birthday. Since it’s been taken, I’m going to say Oct. 9. Hey, it could happen……
My guess is Sept. 24. Hope everything goes smoothly and swiftly for your delivery!
October 3rd. 🙂
So fun! I’m going to throw out a September 23 guess. Wishing you all the best, Amy!! Can’t wait to hear the news!
I want to say Oct. 4th because it is my birthday but I am really gonna guess that it will be early. So, I will go for with the 28th of September.
Sept 28th! Best of luck for a smooth, quick delivery.
I asm going with 9/30! Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ll go with Oct 9th – late but it’s my son’s birthday
Gotta guess Oct 8th – It’s my b-day!!
Amy what a wonderful giveaway idea! hmm.. I think I’ll stick with Oct 2nd Hugs!
October 30th =)
morrest1101 at aol dot com
I think you will have the baby early- 4th one- September 30th. Good luck!
I will guess September 23rd
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Sept 27-my birthday!
Oct 1st – Saturdays are good days to come!
I’m going to say Oct. 8th- my babies were always late…
Hmmm….my vote is for October 3!!
I am guessing Sept 29!
My guess is Oct. 1. Best Wishes!!!
My guess is Sept 27th since it’s my birthday!!! Enjoy your final days being preggo 🙂
My guess is Oct. 3
I’m saying late and Oct 12
I’ll guess September 27!
I say Oct 7 (my baby girls birthday! And she is sweet As honey)
I say October 6th
I am guessing Sept 26 my own birthday!
My post didn’t come through yesterday. 9/27 and a boy!
Okay all you Virgo babies move over…I say Sep. 17 because that is my birthday…lol. Happy Birthday to all of you Virgo babies hope it is the best birthday ever for each of you!Come on Amy…you gotta make this one quick…lol. Hope all goes well for you and the new baby.
September 27th!
i think you’ll be late…but just by a couple days…october 4. congrats! and good luck!
I going to guess Sept 29th
[email protected]
Sept 30….Good luck!!
Oct 1st!
September 30th….happy pushing!
My guess is Sept. 30th (my sister’s bday) 🙂
Before I even knew your due date, my first thought was October 2nd. I’ll go with that.
Oct 2
Oct 1
good luck to you and the little one
[email protected]
I am guessing September 19, just because I love when numbers resemble – your baby’s birth date would be 9-19-11 (and it’s still left out of all the dates – haha) Thank you for this fun contest and Best Wishes!!
10-02-2011 I love that date as that is when my first son was born.
Sandy K
[email protected]