Having grown up in a home brimming with sewing notions and paintbrushes, Amy has a deep love for all things creative. On any given day, you’ll find her knee-deep in her latest creative endeavor, with projects ranging from sewing and crafts to home decor and kid-friendly ideas. Amy believes that everyone, regardless of skill level or experience, possesses the ability to create something beautiful, and Positively Splendid was born of her passion for helping others harness their innate creative potential.
Oh, that is so very true!
Thank you for the post and the scripture!!
I love this blog post! I just moved into a new home 3 wks ago. It is much bigger than our old home and looks kinda empty. I would love to go out and buy a bunch of stuff but we are on a budget. 🙂 Thanks for putting it in perspective. Now off to the thrift stores to find furniture I can repurpose!
And *this* is why you are such a crafty gal. 😉 Maybe this summer is the time to put aside the sewing machine and start giving your furniture a new life. Make it your own, my friend!
I love this article! Thank you for saying what so many others need to hear, myself included. 🙂
What an awesome post, thank you so much! My DH and I will be moving into a new home in May and this is so timely. I was thinking how much I would love new furniture, etc. but as it is, we have to buy all new appliances, since there are none in the new house. That will stretch our budget to the max as it is… so I will be thankful for what I have and know that I am blessed to have a roof over my head and furniture to put in it. Thanks again for such a great post 🙂
Well said, Amy! Thankfulness is key to having real JOY! God will honor and bless your efforts! I’m new to the whole “blog” world, but one of the things I love about your blog and the others I’ve “stumbled” upon is all the great DIY and economical ideas! Thanks for sharing!
love this!!
I was just thinking how I wanted to start the process of getting new things.
Thanks Amy, I really needed this today. Thanks so much for your wisdom and being willing to share it with others!
Amy, this post was right up my alley. We are possibly moving so I have been all over the decorating blog world (usually I stick to more crafts and sewing). I have a gazillion projects piling up in my head and am thinking about totally redoing my colors for my next house……but will I be able to afford to do everything….ummmmm……that would be a big “NO”. It’s very easy to want to start over, but you’re right, the things we own have a history and should be cherished and appreciated. I’ve really been trying not to buy anything for our home that I do not absolutely love or need – that way, hopefully I will end up with timeless pieces that will last me through many homes. Thanks for the post…….I totally feel your pain!!
What an amazing post, Aims. You put into words what I sometimes feel. I would love to have a new house, new car, new everything but it’s just not in the cards. At the moment, I find myself VERY lucky to have an amazing 6 month old daughter, for Kevin and I to have jobs (after both being laid off), food on the table, clothes on our back, and a roof over our head. We are on a very tight budget (now due to daycare) but I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re such a wonderful person, inside and out!
You couldn’t be more right! I know what you mean about feeling “off” when your focus shifts too much in the wrong direction! Good reminder & Great post!
My name is Amanda, and I also suffer from “Gotta-have-it-itis.” 😉 I am constantly comparing my home/stuff/body/you name it to those of my friends. It’s just not a healthy thing to do. Thank you so much for the positive reminder to be grateful for all of God’s blessings!
Yeah, we are moving in one month and more than doubling our square footage!! Yeah!!!!! But I always laugh when I think of how empty our new place will be. Also we have the college make it due furniture and now have the big grown up job and a big bonus coming. Thanks for this post I needed to know others are looking at their new places and know it doesn’t have to be now now now.
but to think I will have lots of boxes for great forts and lots of space to let the kids play with them ha ha ha!!!
Hi my name is Keandra and I have also been afflicted with this heinous disease! Thanx for bringing me back down to earth!!!!
hear! hear! The more I stumble through blogs the more UNsettled my home feels. Thanks for the great post!
fantastic post!!! let’s all count our blessings every single day.
Hi, again, Amy! I just wanted to let you know I featured this post today in my “Weekend Bloggy Reading” round-up. Great writing! 🙂
Love this post…so so true! Ever since we moved into our first house two years ago I’ve been afflicted by the same disease…thanks for the reality check!
look me up at http://www.homegrowncharm.blogspot.com